City seeks input for new comprehensive plan
Be a part of Chickasha’s future, and get involved from the beginning. The City of Chickasha invites residents to participate in developing the City’s new comprehensive plan, which will provide an updated vision for the future direction of our community.
To give your input, use a computer or handheld device and go to, the project’s digital community engagement platform, and complete the initial Community Survey. This survey, open through March 15, asks a range of questions about current issues and challenges in the City as well as questions about future land use, development, and community services. Responses to this survey will guide the preparation of the Comprehensive Plan and the vision for Chickasha through 2050.
The online survey is one of the first steps in the 18-month planning process and will be accompanied with numerous public engagement opportunities such as workshops, and open-door meetings.
At, residents can explore the platform and engage with the Interactive Map, share and discuss ideas, and stay up to date on engagement opportunities and events. This website will be open for the duration of the project and is your one-stop source for all information on the Onward Chickasha initiative.
“Council hasn’t adopted a comprehensive plan since the early 1970s,” said Mayor Chris Mosley. “We are excited to see what the community wants for the next 30 years, incorporate studies already complete, such as our water treatment plant, drainage study, and road study, and ensure we are moving onward in the right direction.”
Please contact the Project Team at with questions about the comprehensive planning process or community survey. Residents can learn more about the project by visiting
The City of Chickasha is partnering with Guernsey to complete the comprehensive planning process. Guernsey is a wide-ranging consulting firm with a design-centric focus around planning, architecture, and engineering. Located in Oklahoma City, Guernsey has a long history of supporting municipalities to meet planning and community development goals.