Category: #TheGoodStuff

#TheGoodStuff is a column by EDC Director Jim Cowan. It is published weekly in the Chickasha Express-Star. At their monthly meeting in OKC this week, ODOT Commissioners voted on a full agenda of projects across the state and one of them was approving an 80/20…

Have you ever been working around your house on a weekend and you start with one project, then get interrupted a couple of times and the next thing you know you are working on something completely different? I’m guessing that’s pretty common, both in our…

by Jim Cowan, CEDC Director What is Civic Pride and why does it matter? What difference does it make is your neighbor takes care of their yard? Who cares if there is trash in the streets or in the parking lot of your favorite Chickasha…

by Jim Cowan, CEDC Director Downtown Chickasha will again be a hub of activity this weekend. Saturday morning the Rotary Run will kick off a day full of fun for all ages and then Open Streets will begin as the race activities wind down. The…

by Jim Cowan, CEDC Director The Chickasha Economic Development Council was recently awarded the AARP Community Challenge Grant for quick-action projects that will create more livable communities for residents of all ages, backgrounds and abilities. The Chickasha EDC was one of only three recipients in…

By Jim Cowan, Chickasha Economic Development Council Seems like every day I look at social media, I discover that it’s some kind of special day. National apple pie day or national left handed appreciation day, I have no idea who comes up with all of…

By Jim Cowan, Chickasha Economic Development Council With 2020 behind us now, it’s time to start 2021 with optimism and excitement. Have you ever wondered what exactly  the Economic Development guy does?  Here are my Top 5 New Year resolutions for Chickasha this year. Please…

By Jim Cowan, Chickasha Economic Development Council Many people dream of opening a restaurant, but to actually open one is a much bigger challenge. Nine out of ten restaurants that open will fail. Long hours, slim profits and managing both staff and customer expectations make…

So…where are you from? When you mention the word tourism to most people in Chickasha, they immediately think of the Festival of Light and for good reason. According to TravelOk, Oklahoma’s tourism website, The Festival of Light is “recognized as one of the top ten light…