Logistics & Access
Highways & Roads
- Chickasha is located at the crossroads of Interstate 44, US Highway 81, US Highway 62/State Highway 9 and State Highway 19.
- Access to Interstates 35 and 40 is 40 minutes away via I-44.
- Most of the roads leaving Chickasha are four lanes, with a small amount of super two lanes.
Chickasha was founded on the historic Rock Island railway line and has ample rail access, particularly on the north side of town. The Union Pacific railroad enters Chickasha from the north, west, and south. The Stillwater Central railroad runs from the southwest to the northeast.
Chickasha Municipal Airport
- Municipal airport with a 5100 ft. jet capable runway
- Easy and convenient refueling process
- Courtesy cars available
- Proposed taxi way to Airport Industrial Park can be built if necessary
Will Rogers World Airport
- 35 minutes from Chickasha
Port Facilities
Chickasha is approximately 2.5 hours from both the Port of Catoosa and the Port of Muskogee.